
Cleves Beginners Chess Club - Spring Term 2025

Chess is a challenging pastime, which develops logical thinking, concentration, forward planning and self-control.  Success at chess often helps the development of personal confidence which has been shown to enhance achievement in basic school subjects.  We operate a simplified “Swiss system” which means; Win = 3 points, draw = 2 points, loss = 1 point.  Each player has their own score card and points are recorded weekly after each match.  At the end of each term there is a Trophy for the player with the highest score and a medals for runners up.  

Players are expected to show each other respect  and to behave in an appropriate manner conducive to chess club conditions. Disrespectful or disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated and a yellow card issued. In the unlikely event that a player receives three yellow cards in one term they will be asked to leave without refund.

If you would like your son/daughter to attend chess club, please complete the details below to register and pay. The cost for this term is: £97.90. There is a discount for the second sibling. You will need to enter SIB in the discount section for the second sibling.  The Link will automatically close when all the places have gone.  Pick up is from the fire escape door of the Art Room along the path to the right of Reception at 4.20pm.

To ensure we always know your children are where they should be, please text me if your child is unable to attend a session for ANY reason on 07989474533 as I don't have access to the school registers.

Additional Information: During the Spring 2025 Term we will once again take part in the Delancey Schools UK Chess Challenge. This competition has been running for 29 years.  The first stage of the tournament in school at chess club.   At the beginning of term, as soon as a player reaches 3 points, they will be given a badge. Players are asked to look after their badges as they will be awarded gold spots to stick on them each time they accumulate another three points. There are also other prizes to win along the way.  All players are eligible to enter the next stage called the area Megafinal held in May where they can play children from other schools.  Winners of that tournament will qualify for the Gigafinal taking place in July and winners from that will go on to play in The Terafinal taking place in August.  At the end of the school term there is a prize for the top player with the highest overall score.   It is completely optional to go to Area semi finals or any further tournaments. Beginners Chess is held every Friday at 3.15pm - 4.20pm and is open to is open to boys and girls who have little or no knowledge of how to play chess.   The first club will take place in the Art Room on Friday 10 January 2025.

Yours in chess
Mrs K E Vannucci


Registration Form

Event Start


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